Selasa, 30 Juni 2009

Cara membuat template di blogspot

Lagi cari Template buat blog yang baru sobat ? kesulitan mencari yang cocok ? oke,kali ini juragan punya solusi-nya,kenapa tidak mencoba membuat template sendiri saja? ya,dengan begitu ke-kreatif-an kita sudah tidak terbatasi hanya karena masalah hak cipta. udah pada gak sabar ni kayak-nya. langsung aja kita ke-TKP gan !

"Cara Membuat Template Blogger". Mulai dari mana ya? nnnngg.. ohya, juragan

Senin, 29 Juni 2009

Comment Trash ply Dofollow Blog

Since the large contest Seo Local Better Stop Dreaming Start Action and Rusli Zainal Sang Visioner in the year 2009 is enough to make the spammers in this contest, the participants take to make a comment with shower waste blogs dofollow based. Nothing is wrong if it is done in blogs dofollow people outside their own nation of origin should not be caught in the rain with only a garbage comment.

The main purpose of our comments on the waste of course is a dofollow blog search backlink and increase link popularity, so of course can push up the blog posted on the contest to show the first search engine google. Yew, that is, if lucky, because not all blogs are dofollow quality. I do quality incoming links that is generated is able to push up the position of the blog seo contest is not degenerate,

By The Way, commented that the garbage are the experts to do the seo optimization off their page. but of course it all turns must be tailored to the data center that is used. Rusli Zainal contest as a data center using google indonesia. and should if you want to do comment spam in blogs dofollow make sure if the blog has a PageRank because if the status is still N/A I feel useless and does not bring anything.

okay.. Once again allow me to provide backlink seo contest in the article titled Stop Dreaming Start Action in order to rank pages directly jump number 1 in google. lol..

Jumat, 26 Juni 2009

Google PageRank Update Now..!!

Google PageRank Update. Yesterday I deliberately fraudulent to its place of business and blogs belong to its friends, are in fact entitled to the new post PageRank Update, torn confused me correct what google update again. I try to directly check and check and in fact is correct, 5 update my blog again, surely my luck day.

Blog my online business to increase the number 4, on the blog beginners also increased to 3, antivirus info my blog also increased to 3, a rare blogs business update pagerank also appeared to rise to number 2 and marvel at the tech blog Z V 5 best and miss engine economic ku is also only 2 posting follow-up increase to 1.

Still a puzzle how the google PageRank assess a blog, there is a lot of its backlink, I was also correct. I should be grateful just increased its rank some blog business blog even though I lived this story must be satisfied does not ascend from the number 1.

Oks .. from mild confusion to me to give baclink seo contest article entitled Rusli Zainal and the visionary Stop Dreaming Start Action .. so that the PageRank and ranking serp its rise in the google.

Selasa, 23 Juni 2009

Cheat Atlantica Online Terbaru

Cheat Atlantica Online – Hari ini Juragan minta izin absen dulu untuk nulis artikel teknik SEO Blogspot. Karena hari ini juragan akan posting tentang cara cheat game atlantica online indo. Ya sedikit refreshinglah agar tidak jenuh. Mudah-mudahan sobat dapat sedikit mengerti. Jika ada kesempatan, posting berikutnya juragan akan kembali membahas tips dan teknik SEO seperti biasanya.


Pagerank dan SERP

Apa itu Pagerank dan SERP ?

Munkin anda akan tertawa, tetapi percaya atau tidak masih ada orang yang belum tau betapa pentingnya Page rank dan serp. untuk sobat yang sudah master dan 'guru' cukup lewati atau skip aja tulisan ini sebelum anda mati ketawa. yang belum tau tentu harus baca ini, apalagi jika sobat adalah seorang webmaster atau seorang blogger.

Apa Itu Page Rank?

Bicara Google,

Apakah itu Hibernate ?

hibernate ? juragan yakin udah banyak yang tau apa itu hibernate atau dalam bahasa indo, hibernasi , tetapi mari kita sharing juga kepada yang belum tau, ya ,dengan tujuan untuk dapat maju bersama-sama, tidak dengan ke egois-an. Juragan yang satu ini sebenarnya masih newbie juga tapi ada nasehat bijak : tulis dan beritahukan ilmu kamu walaupun ilmu itu manfaatnya kecil sekali, dengan demikian

Cara & apa pentingnya menjadi Top 10 di Google

Mungkin Sobat bertanya-tanya, kenapa harus Top Ten sih? Yang penting sudah masuk Google kan beres.

Sebelum juragan jawab, coba Sobat bayangkan diri Sobat memasuki Sobat masukkan kata kunci “belajar seo”. Dalam beberapa detik muncullah 10 website di depan Sobat dan puluhan link index halaman.

Pertanyaannya, apakah Sobat hanya melihat 10 website tersebut lalu mengklik halaman lain?

Senin, 22 Juni 2009

Stop Dreaming Start Action From Joko Susilo

Do you still continue to dream to achieve in your life? Of course, the purpose of your life certainly is not diverse? Want to have a happier life, and some who wanted to become a successful internet business: D all that we can as long as we can get meaningful slogan Mr. Joko Susilo, Stop Dreaming Start Action. Yes, all that we can not get with just a dream to achieve success, we must immediately start with the action!

Stop Dreaming Start Action, a full meaning of this slogan seems satirical those who can only dream off without want to achieve (including me: D). The slogan can also be a spark in all of us reach the goal. When we blog, for example, we forget that our original goal of the blog is looking for money on the internet. We forget that we must work hard to find money on the internet. We only want to read a variety of reference books and want to do without the action, For the words batau slogans such as Stop Dreaming Start Action is needed

When Mr. Joko Susilo use the slogan Stop Dreaming Start Action as a reminder to continue the action without a dream drag, why do not we create our own blog slogan like that is in the pack any posts Joko Susilo is? This is a way to remind ourselves not to forget the goal we are to succeed. So conclusion, if you want to have business success in the internet, stop your dreams and do the action from now on! Stop Dreaming Start Action now!

Oh yes and do not forget, I write the article Stop Dreaming Start Action This is because the contest Mr. Joko Susilo, please here for Rusli Zainal Sang Visioner..!!

Minggu, 21 Juni 2009

Tips ampuh meningkatkan Pagerank google

Pagerank, hmm sampai saat artikel ini ditulis, blog-nya juragan yg baru ini belum dapet PageRank dari om google (ya iyalah belum sampe juga 3 bulan). jadi namanya blog baru pasti target utamanya adalah ranking , google Pagerank, dan tentunya pengunjung.

Mempunyai blog dengan pagerank yang tinggi jelas sangat menguntungkan dalam bisnis online. Seperti bisnis paid to review, salah satu faktor yang

Tips Mempercepat PC : Optimalkan Virtual Memory

Halo semua sobat juragan dimanapun kalian berada !! ^_^ Di postingan kedua juragan ini, Juragan mau sharing info-info n so pastinya Cuma buat kalian ^_^. Seperti judul diatas “tips mengoptimalkan virtual memory” bertujuan untuk mempercepat loading windows. Seperti yang sobat ketahui bahwa Virtual memory pada Windows biasa disebut sebagai swap file atau paging file. Virtual Memory ini berfungsi

Contest SEO Rusli Zainal Sang Visioner still long

Okes right, the contest seo Rusli Zainal Sang Visioner still very long, the committee gave time for three months. And the contest is still running just a few days, can still be calculated with the count fingers. seo contest, but Rusli Zainal Sang Visioner is already in full swing. At first I just want to learn seo, at the time to register the first time this blog, posting page Rusli Zainal visionary I occupy the first line on google. Then, because I still new to the secret knowledge and secret-seo, Rusli Zainal final page of the visionary terlempar from my position and the next two to three positions, and does not close the possibility of more akan worse again, because the master-master seo yesterday that took into seo campaign participants also enliven peace, and certainly have more experience from me.

In the contest seo Rusli Zainal Sang Visioner is still three months for whom the winner was announced, but the competition for Rusli Zainal said the visionary to be the first to have been very fierce. From kehari day, hour to hour could only sentence the visionary Rusli Zainal ini google change blog who is number one perch.

Yes I do not expect a grandiose.. important that I can participate in the contest seo Rusli Zainal Sang Visioner glad I have this.

Seo Contest Stop Dreaming Get Action Today

O let the blogger buddy Stop dreaming Start Action, always stop for a dream, that everything started from a dream Beautiful, but not the dream of the late beautiful. The longer you late in a dream, you will be stuck in a transitory world. Dreaming is no Action Zero, a dream without action is perishable.

Or does not believe that you are now, whether you are still unemployed, or you have a working product is a result of your thoughts 7 or 10 years ago. If you are now, for example not working, you try to remember whether you think you do, and years ago that has been through. if you only dream dissolved in a beautiful and utterly without doing real action? Or just spend time with activities that are not clear.

Buddy, there is no word late for those who want to advance and develop, even if you have failed to feel fulfilled and your life's dreams are beautiful. Start today, start this second "Stop dreaming Start Action" Destroy your dream and start making real action.

Start from the free blog, Yes start with your first step to create a free blog at blogger. Do you believe that the free blog you can break all the dreams you (break your dreams) into reality, have a fixed monthly income, can have the money to buy a notebook, notebook or buy a blackberry? Sure can, all start from yourself. please cek seo contest Rusli Zainal in my blog business. :)

When you have a free blog you are actually one step more advanced stage of the people that this is only a dream to have a blog and only want to spend the time to play the game online, cool chat, mybloglog open 24 hours without a clear purpose, open-site sites that contain pornographic content. Please Stop dreaming Start Action and start the action we can together, stop living in your dreams and let us do with real action.

Sabtu, 20 Juni 2009

Stop Dreaming Start Action (Motivation)

Stop Dreaming Start Action. Yes stop dreaming and act quickly to immediately realize our dream to become real. This should not only be thought, let's wake up from sleep dreams to Stop Dreaming Start Action. Although even start from zero online business does not become a problem of not doing anything to make our dreams become real.

Perhaps for me the dream is the hope, aspiration, business motivation, incentive, lifting to work. So do not wonder if MR Joko Susilo use words Stop Dreaming Start Action to change our view of life and business life from all this ugliness.

The movement with the Stop Dreaming Start Action start from ourselves to change our lives. from which the initial enthusiasm does not work then that should change as the spirit may be. Regardless of the sentence our profession Stop Dreaming Start Action for the business as is our motivation.

Dreams, hope, and aspiration is the key to success. Let's fight with the spirit without tired. road to success much depends on where the level of our capacity to manage the life of wheel rotation. Stop Dreaming Start Action, open your sleeve, look to the period before optimistic smile.

By The way.., Before posts this end there is a good idea before the end I will give or provide food for the contest Rusli Zainal Sang Visioner is also in progress.kwe.. :)

Jumat, 19 Juni 2009

About Blog Juragan

Blog yang membahas tentang optimasi mesin blogspot agar dapat bersaing di mesin pencari seperti Google, Yahoo, Bing dan lainnya. Memang bukan perkara mudah tapi bukan hal yang mustahil.

Penulis blog ini bukan orang yang terlalu penting untuk dibahas. Saya menyajikan konten di blog ini. Bukan ingin mempopulerkan diri. Walau mungkin hampir tidak ada yang tertarik untuk mengenal saya lebih jauh,

Kamis, 18 Juni 2009

Stop Dreaming Start Action > Info

Stop Dreaming Start Action is a jargon that is exactly how we should act more quickly to things, especially in this case is the internet business.

Stop Dreaming Start Action is a slogan that is now being kampanyekan one of the Top internet marketer business, Mr. Joko Susilo Indonesia in order to eradicate bad habits kebiasan-especially the business of the internet often daydream long but minimal action.

Already a lot of internet business roll tikir early turbulence does not apply the slogan Stop Dreaming Start this Action, which eventually happens is that the dream linger without direction, purpose, and a clear action.

A large ad on the internet that promise quick wealth, can sit money and so appears to influence the pattern of someone thinking that the internet business is a business that is easy and quick cash, when in fact that rusli zainal is not in the imagined.

In addition to the bad habit, bad internet business is information overload, that is, most of the information received, this usually occurs often by business internet beginner. Because many information received does not make it even know the vice versa making it even confused. and Rusli Zainal Sang Visioner ... :)

Rabu, 17 Juni 2009

Contest Seo Rusli Zainal Sang Visioner

yes right, the contest seo Rusli Zainal Sang Visioner still very long, the committee gave time for three months. And the contest is still running just a few days, can still be calculated with the count fingers. seo contest, but Rusli Zainal Sang Visioner is already in full swing. At first I just want to learn seo, at the time to register the first time this blog, posting page Rusli Zainal Sang Visioner I occupy the first line on google. Then, because I still knowledge of the secret and confidential-seo, Rusli Zainal final page of the visionary terdepak from my position next keposisi two and three, and does not close the possibility of more akan worse again, because the master-master seo yesterday that follow to become a participant seo campaign also enliven peace, and certainly have more experience from me.

In the contest seo Rusli Zainal Sang Visioner is still three months for whom the winner was announced, but the competition for Rusli Zainal Sang Visioner to be the first to have been very fierce. From day, hour to hour could only sentence the visionary Rusli Zainal digoogle change blog who is number one perch.

Yes I do not expect a grandiose, hikz.. important that I can participate in the contest seo

Rusli Zainal Sang Visioner

glad I have this.

Selasa, 16 Juni 2009

Rusli Zainal Sang Visioner (Governor)

Online Business Blog This time you want to introduce to you one of the official figures come from Riau HM Rusli Zainal called. With Vision-a vision and imagination that far forward in the progress of development, especially in the province of Riau he holds the nickname "Rusli Zainal Sang Visioner."

Rusli Zainal Sang Visioner currently serving as Governor of Riau period 2009-2011, numerous awards and that he can continue to flow from the government of the Republic of Indonesia is one of them when Rusli Zainal trusted by all the regents se indonesia as their representative to sit on the Council of Regional Autonomy Considerations (DPOD) *. That's not all work irrespective of severity when it first served as regent, which is able to bring the province of Riau is far more advanced, especially in the areas of development.

Rusli Zainal, or the visionary who is familiar Bang Rusli called the birth of son Mandah Indragiri Hilir 52 years ago this is the start of the world politics since a young age, That addition Rusli Zainal Also Known as the Employers and successful business career started as a branch peminpin PT Weekends Mohairson new, terrible at that time he still student experience.

As a form of success Fenomenal MR. Rusli Zainal Sang Visioner when he is able to make as Riau Host National Sports national (Pon) to the XVII later in the year 2012. clear that this achievement truly boast, thanks to the cold hand he is it can happen.

Sabtu, 06 Juni 2009

Do You Want To Make Money Online??

There are actually many different ways to make money online. Some of them are obviously more lucrative than others, however. Also, there are many scams for supposedly making money online that don't really work, and you end up losing money.

As a general rule, if the online money making opportunity asks for money, it is probably not a good thing. Legitimate ways to make money online will not ask you for money to get the job. The only exception to this is for home business. Many home businesses require an upfront investment from you. If you decide that a home business is the best way to go for making money online, then you will probably have to spend some money to get started. However, many people have been very successful with home businesses.

One way that people are making money online is by having several different income streams. This means that you do a bunch of things online that make a little bit of money, which turns out to be a reasonable amount of money when you add them all up. For instance, some people fill out surveys, do some writing, read emails, sell things on Ebay or even do affiliate marketing. These are all ways to have multiple streams of income making money online.

There are actual jobs available online. However, there is a lot of competition for them. Telecommuting from home is one of the best ways for making money online. You need to have an excellent resume and to do a lot of research to find the companies that are hiring people with your skills.

As with any way to make money, the best way of making money online is to follow your passions. First find something you love to do, then find a way to use it for making money online.

You also need to consider your time commitment. Find a way to make money online that won't take up all of your spare time if you are already working a full time job.

Once you have determined how you plan to make money online, spend the time you need. Many people start an online business but lose interest and quit. Find a business that you love so you want to stay with it. Finding a way to do what you love is the best way to make money online.